Spotify Wrapped: An Annual Musical Reflection

By Ian Ferris

It’s that time of the year again! As the holidays approach, music lovers can reflect on their listening experience throughout the year with the annual Spotify Wrapped. 

Music is essential to the average college student, whether as a study tool, stress reliever, party anthem or just some background music as you walk to class.

Senior anthropology and criminal justice major Phoebe Gurdon, a daily Spotify user, looks forward to her Spotify Wrapped each year. When studying, Gurdon listens to classical music such as Mozart and Bach “because it makes the time go by more easily and enjoyably.”

Gurdon’s top artists, who she claims swap spots yearly, are The Beatles, My Chemical Romance, ABBA and Kanye West. 

“I listen to more music in college than at home, either walking between classes, in the library, or working out,” Gurdon said. 

While the role of music in the lives of UMD students seems consistent, its uses can vary. 

“If I really have to focus, then I usually don’t use music,” said senior economics major Joshua John when asked about what music he listens to while studying. Instead, John uses music as a relaxation tool.

“Now I’m finding that I use music in meditation and when I’m deep in thought. It helps me relax,” John said.

John was surprised to see Raveena Aurora as his top artist this year after first hearing about her at the annual NextNow Fest at UMD. When asked about Spotify Wrapped, John said, “It usually confuses me. I get artists who I feel like I don’t like that much, but apparently I do.”

Although Gurdon and John agreed that music played a bigger role in their lives while at college than at home, sophomore computer science major Adi Prashanth disagreed. 

“When music plays the biggest role in my life is when I have time to sit down and really appreciate it,” said Prashanth. “I just notice myself getting so caught up in work and other things that I can’t really focus on it.”

 Spotify Wrapped serves as a pleasant distraction from this stressful time to remind students of their favorite artists and songs. Remember to use music for more than studying as you navigate your finals; it can also help you to relax and relieve stress.

Featured Image: An overview of 2023’s Spotify Wrapped. Photo by Ian Ferris

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