Sourabh Shubham, a UMD doctoral student, helps discover a new volcano on mars

By Kaya Bogot Hiding in plain sight on the surface of Mars was something big that no one had discovered. No one except Sourabh Shubham, a geology Ph.D. student at the University of Maryland.   Shubham and his team weren’t looking for it, but once he saw it, there was no doubt he found something important. “Once you see it, once you recognize that, ‘hey, this … Continue reading Sourabh Shubham, a UMD doctoral student, helps discover a new volcano on mars

UMD students struggle with poor sleep during finals week

By Vivian Renkey With the arrival of finals week, University of Maryland students are dedicating long hours to studying, pushing through their final stretch of coursework. But as the semester comes to a close, many students are struggling to balance academics with other parts of their lives – particularly their sleep schedules. The National Sleep Foundation guidelines recommend young adults sleep seven to nine hours. … Continue reading UMD students struggle with poor sleep during finals week

Having trouble studying? A change of scenery may help

By Joe Wicke Study habits are an essential tool for college students. As the spring semester comes to an end, many are finding that getting some fresh air could be the solution they need to improve their grades.  Many studies in college research centers have linked working outside with improved mental health. Lindsey Walter, a freshman microbiology major and volunteer counselor for the Help Center … Continue reading Having trouble studying? A change of scenery may help

Unbound takes the stage at the Hoff Theater for their spring showcase

By Jaria Butler The University of Maryland club dance team Unbound captivated the audience Friday night during their annual spring showcase in Adele H. Stamp Student Union’s Hoff Theatre.  Throughout the evening, the team performed 10 different dances that ranged from jazz to contemporary to hip-hop, with additional guest performers from Forward Motion Dance Group, Ballet Company M, Terrapin Tap Troupe and Ballroom at Maryland. … Continue reading Unbound takes the stage at the Hoff Theater for their spring showcase

UMD demonstrates its commitment to achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2025 through various sustainability projects

By Hayden Whirley In 2021, University of Maryland President Darryll Pines announced that the University of Maryland will achieve university-wide carbon neutrality for all scopes of emissions by 2025. Three years later, the university remains proactive in advancing sustainability and climate efforts. Carbon neutrality is defined by a balance between the greenhouse gasses the world produces and the removal of those gasses from the atmosphere, … Continue reading UMD demonstrates its commitment to achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2025 through various sustainability projects

First-term University Park Councilman Re-Elected After Running Unopposed

By: Mikayla Roberts University Park Ward 7 Councilman William “Bill” Sweet was elected for a second term unopposed yesterday. “Usually the council members for University Park go uncontested. From what I see, with most of us, we all do it more so for the community service aspect than anything else,” said Sweet. The husband and father of three has been a University Park resident since … Continue reading First-term University Park Councilman Re-Elected After Running Unopposed

UMD gamelan ensemble performs traditional Balinese music, dance

By Vivian Renkey Throughout the performance, traditional Balinese dancers took the stage to showcase their choreography. Each dancer in the ensemble was dressed in a traditional Puspanjali outfit, which is famous for their vibrant colors and embellished accessories and jewelry. The University of Maryland Balinese Gamelan Saraswati Ensemble showcased an evening of music, dance and culture at the Clarice Smith Performing Arts Center on Thursday. … Continue reading UMD gamelan ensemble performs traditional Balinese music, dance

Doctoral student M Pease is making waves at UMD and beyond

By Jess Daninhirsch The University of Maryland chose doctoral student in counseling psychology M Pease for the Graduate Summer Research Fellowship at the end of March. But that’s the least interesting thing to happen to them. While being a full-time student, Pease works for the Maryland Commission on LGBTQIA+ Affairs, trains to become a therapist by seeing real clients, researches the state of mental health … Continue reading Doctoral student M Pease is making waves at UMD and beyond